UNESCO International Awards, 2021

The 2021 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science  International Awards will designate five outstanding researchers in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, each working in one of the following regions: Africa and the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America.

The five laureates will be selected by an international jury for their contribution to scientific advancement and will receive their Awards – €100,000 each – in March 2021 in Paris.

To be considered eligible, the candidate must:

  • Be recognized for her scientific excellence by the international scientific community
  • Be actively involved in scientific research
  • Be involved in any field of Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science

Candidates must be nominated by eminent scientists, such as heads of scientific institutions, members of national science academies or other national scientific institutions, research chairs, professors, etc. Nominations can only be submitted electronically through the online dedicated platform and have to be written in English.

Please note that nomination files must be submitted by midnight on 31 May 2020 (France GMT/UTC + 2h). Only completed nominations received through the platform by this deadline will be considered.