International interaction in applied mathematical and computational mathematics

In the context of the international interaction in the field of applied mathematics, the workshop on graph theory and its applications, with the presence of Dr. Mathias Dehromardeker and Dr. Shailish Trypathy from the Biomedical Computer Science and Mechatronics Department of the UMIT University of the Austria, hold on July 26, 2018, in the Hall of Collections of the Faculty of Basic Sciences and Masters and PhD students and other enthusiasts participated in this workshop. Also, at the above meeting, Professor Alireza Ashrafi presented a special lecture on the subject of the “Self-rigging Group of Graphs”.

Also, in the context of international scientific-research collaboration, scientific dialogue sessions were held between the professors in Applied Mathematics and the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty. In addition, on the sidelines of this workshop, a number of computational software specially designed for Ph.D. students was taught in 3 specialized sessions.