Acting Minister for International Scientific Cooperation in STS Conference: Iran is ready to share its scientific achievements and experiences with all other countries

Dr. Hossein Salar Amoli, Acting Minister for International Scientific Cooperation, referred to Iran’s progress and technological achievements in the recent decade in the 17th meeting of Science and Technology Ministers and stated that Iran’s scientific achievements have redoubled and the country is ready to share them with the rest of the world. In this webinar meeting, Dr. Salar-Amoli said: scientific achievements are the historical result accumulation of all people in the world. Therefore, open access to these achievements and scientific sources are the universal and legal right. However, he added, this open access has been encountered with major obstacles due to the politicians’ wrong visions and decisions. The head of Center of International Scientific Cooperation mentioned that the idea that imposing sanctions and limitations on Iran would be effective is ineffective and against open access to scientific sources and human rights. In the end, he expressed his gratitude of Japan for holding this international meeting.